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Same Day Emergencies
At Signature Optometry, we are dedicated to helping you with all of your eye care needs. However, we are particularly concerned with your emergency needs, as we know it can be scary and majorly disruptive to have something suddenly go wrong with your eyes, vision, or corrective eyewear. If you experience an emergency eye problem, don’t hesitate to contact us. We can generally get you in for a same-day appointment.
Our Fresno optometrists and staff are completely trained and capable of handling most eye and vision emergencies in-house. We can generally take care of any issues, prescribe any medications, and assist you with your eyewear on the spot. Should your problem require a specialist, we will assist you in choosing and contacting one right away so you get the help you need.
Just call 559.432.0606 for immediate assistance. And to confirm your medical insurance coverage at our offices.
Some examples of emergency situations include:
- Pink eye
- Discharge from the eye
- Styes, or infections of the eyelash pores
- Red or irritated eyes related to the use of contacts
- Irritated, burning, watery, or suddenly light-sensitive eyes
- Foreign object lodged in the eye
- Wounds or scratches to the surface of the eye
- Eyes that are in general pain
- Light flashes or floaters in your vision
- Sudden loss or disruption of vision
- Sudden droop of the eyelids
- Sudden onset of double vision
- Out of contacts without a backup pair of glasses
- Broken glasses without a functioning backup pair
- Contact lenses stuck in the eye
Fast, Safe Emergency Care
Signature Spex-i-Wear Optometry is here to help Fresno residents in need, and we are open by appointment to ensure that patients receive safe care during these unprecedented times. You can give us a call to see how soon we can treat you, and also read about our strict COVID precautions to help minimize the spread of illness.
Call our eye care specialists at 559-432-0606 to get in touch right away. You can also contact us online for assistance or fill out the form below for an appointment with less emergent matters.